Monday, November 3, 2008


So, I had a bat in my house...for a week. It was ridiculous. We discovered it last Sunday, and then it went into hiding. We searched high and low for this thing. We really thought it had just flown away somehow. Well, last night, the dog jumped up rather quickly and ran to our second bedroom. She rarely does this, so wonderful loving husband went to check on her. He ran back into the living room crouched like a scaredy-cat (don't tell him I said that...) Meanwhile, I'm in the living room finishing best book ever -- Redeeming Love. Just as she is shedding layers on her way to Michael for the last time, I see the bat. What a moment killer, huh? Now, I've come across bats before, but I was in their space and it wasn't all that freaky. Sure a little, but not all that much. This one was in MY HOUSE. A lot freaky. So anyway, I spaz out and run to the coat closet to don Adam's winter coat. I pull the hood up and zip the front. Oh, I also put my shoes on...I don't want rabies!! Then I cowered in the corner, like a scaredy-cat. Adam, being manly and all, follows the dog who follows the bat into our bedroom. Awesome. There is a freaking bat in my bedroom. I find the tennis racket and Adam finds a butterfly net which has been loaned to us expressly for this purpose. I guess bats can fly through any other net. Awesome. Adam, being manly and all, swats a couple of times at the incredibly fast bat. He finally hits it with all his adrenaline and it falls with a thud behind my dirty clothes basket. Awesome. We find the screeching bat inside my dirty clothes. Again, awesome. Adam, still being manly and all, digs it out with the butterfly net and traps it with the tennis racket. Finally. Now we have to get it out of our house. Adam wasn't a quick thinker like myself and doesn't have shoes on. I guess he wanted rabies. I have to grab the contraption and let the bat go. Once I got outside (which was a task because we had unexpectedly redo our bathroom so our bathroom sink is in the middle of our kitchen as well as the shop-vac and other various was like an obstacle course. Awesome.) So, once I got outside, I had to undo the contraption. Not all that hard when you're not stressing. Somehow, these things got tangled and I had to undo them. Awesome. I got it untangled (thank you, Jesus) and the stupid thing flew away. NO MORE BAT IN MY HOUSE!!! Hooray! And thanks for reading. Love you all!!!

P.S. you can now come to my house and not see a bat.


Half Nelson said...

I'm glad you survived the bat invasion...they certainly are weird animals. Better than a bird in the house...those things go crazy!! My cats always catch gecko's that get into our portch. And then I'll walk in to see them torturing a poor bloody gecko. I always feel so bad but eventually they eat them. Wonder if they'd eat a bat?

Kristen Compston said...

Yes, cats would eat a bat.