Monday, April 6, 2009

What are your dreams??

Hey friends. ok, cheesy title right? But the other day I was looking at old pictures of all of us and thinking about our individual dreams when we were younger...and then thinking how life turned out. Its just amazing to think about how things have changed! How God has renewed each one of us. Would you do anything different? So I was wanting to know- what are your dreams now? Family? Travel? Careers?
I know we're all sort of standing at a precipice in life. Amy and Shelby have two year olds, Becky's about have her first baby (yaaaaay!!), Tara is traveling the world, Jessa is thinking about school...I feel like we're all about to change. Wouldn't it be cool to document what our dreams are now before they happen? Anyways, if you guys get time, would love to know.
Love you all