Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Who is your favorite artist?

Hey ladies, not sure if you check this blog anymore but if you do, I would like to know who your favorite artists are. These are my two favorites below: Gustav Klimt and John William Waterhouse. Obviously I am a sucker for romantic scenes and brilliant color. Each time I look at them they take me back to an ancient romantic time. I believe most of Waterhouse's were illustrations for novels, The Lady of the Lake and Guinevere. Their works are like a deep sigh. Just wanted to share! Love you all, Katy

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Miss you all

Just wanted to say, that I miss you all very much. We should start planning a reunion for 2010. Any thoughts as to where? We could all even meet up in a new city like Seattle or somewhere in Montana! Thoughts??

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Good read!

Hey ladies, I wanted to recommend a good book for you and & your hubbies. In our commmunity group we have been reading: Discovering Your Spouse's Spiritual Gifts. (By Don and Katie Fortune). If you've read Love Languages (which, I'm pretty sure we all read in like a 9th grade Bible study) its pretty similar to that, but more in depth. It defines your spiritual giftsas a "motivational gift", meaning what motivates you to serve and love others for God. It breaks in down into the following:
Compassionate, Perceiver, Teacher, Giver, Server, Exhorter, Administrator.
Each comes from Romans 12. Now, I'm sure you've taken like 30 of these types of personality/ministry tests before and I'll say I was a little jaded as well. But the purpose is also to use it to understand and minister to your spouse! So I think the focus is a bit clearer. Anways, its really helped me understand and appreciate David's quirks more, he's a server & I'm compassionate. The server chapter for David was like reading his maual for life, it was seriously eerie how well it described David. Makes the annoying things he does endearing almost. The book sells for like $7 on Ebay so check it out. I'd love to know all of yours ladies. Though I'd bet that we'd all rank first in Compassionate!

Monday, June 22, 2009

serial smoochers

Reading Jessa's post made me laugh about having an outlet for certain random things. So looking through my pictures the other day I realized all the pictures I have of people giving smoochies. And I found out...I'm a serial smoocher...no joke!

Wednesday, June 17, 2009


i'm super glad i have an outlet for this.

MY BOOBS ARE HUGE RIGHT NOW. We're not talking your average PMS big, we're talking "Did I get implants and just forget about it" big. I'm almost positive I'm not pregnant, but I'll detail that at a later time. I was getting ready for bed last night, and Adam walked in and just started laughing because they are so stinking enormous. I'm not kidding, its amazing.

I guess my high school nickname will always haunt me...except now it can be BFEGBJ for Big Freaking Enormous Giant Booby Jessa.

*Can you tell I've never seen boobs this big up close and personal?

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Monday, May 4, 2009


(hah, just logged on and saw Katy's post from yesterday. good timing!)

Hickeys annoy me. When I see girls with hickeys, I roll my eyes (internally, of course) and think to myself, 'could he not keep his mouth off of you??' Ridiculous, I know...some of that prude, judgmental high school unmarried virgin left in me.

I've had two hickeys within the past month. awesome. Last night, spent from passion, hub looks at me and asks, 'is that a new hickey, or just leftover from the last one?' No, no, its new. The other one was two weeks ago. Thank you.
I don't even know how to hickey. No matter how many times I try, I just can't get it. (Funny image, huh? someone practicing hickeys. ha.)

I forgot about it when I was getting ready for work at 6am this morning. I don't even know if my eyeliner is even, never mind if my hickey is covered. I just remembered it, yeah, 5:30 at night...after we've seen 20 patients today. They are probably rolling their eyes (internally, of course) and asking that same stupid question. No, the answer is no, he can't keep his mouth off of me. So, there, you prude, judgmental high school unmarried virgins.

Sorry if that was too much...had to get it off my chest. Its been brewing for a good 20 minutes.