Monday, June 22, 2009

serial smoochers

Reading Jessa's post made me laugh about having an outlet for certain random things. So looking through my pictures the other day I realized all the pictures I have of people giving smoochies. And I found out...I'm a serial joke!

Wednesday, June 17, 2009


i'm super glad i have an outlet for this.

MY BOOBS ARE HUGE RIGHT NOW. We're not talking your average PMS big, we're talking "Did I get implants and just forget about it" big. I'm almost positive I'm not pregnant, but I'll detail that at a later time. I was getting ready for bed last night, and Adam walked in and just started laughing because they are so stinking enormous. I'm not kidding, its amazing.

I guess my high school nickname will always haunt me...except now it can be BFEGBJ for Big Freaking Enormous Giant Booby Jessa.

*Can you tell I've never seen boobs this big up close and personal?